Trademark registration
Registering your trademark is the first step to protect it against piracy, give it commercial value, and turn it into an asset for your company.
The registered trademark gives you exclusive use for it in the whole Chilean territotory.
Why is a trademark registration important?
Consumers who are satisfied with a product or service tend to buy it again and recommend it. In order to do so, they need to be able to remember and distinguish it from others that are similar.
What's the trademark registration for?
Registering your trademark gives it value, protecting it, so nobody else can call their product or service with a name that's identical or similar to yours, preventing brand piracy, or any form of immitation that diverts consumers from you.
Process for
trademark registration
Registrability Exam
Verification that the trademark complies with every requisit for being registered, and of the existance of any previous trademarks that could prevent yours from registration.
Start of the Trademark Registration
Filing of the aforegoings of the trademarks before INAPI. Also, a rate of 1 UTM for each class must be paid to INAPI.
Publication in the Official Gazzette
Once the form exam is completed, the publication of the trademark in the Official Gazzette must paid. The cost varies depending on the extension.
Oppositions and Objections
30 working days term for thid parties to oppose the trademark registration, and finally INAPI will decide if it dictates any objections.
End of the Registration
If there are none oppositions or objections, or if they are dismissed in the legal procedure, INAPI will grant the trademark. The final rate of 2 UTM for each class must be paid.
Trademark title and Custody
We hand you the trademark title, that constitutes proof of ownership of the trademark for 10 years, and free trademark custody for two years.